
Using Chicago/Turabian Citation Style In Your Essay Writing

Different disciplines use different writing formats and for Chicago/Turabian style, its use is commonly in historical and social sciences essays and journals. If you are looking for an essay uk service for help in this area, you will definitely come across professionals in this area to guide you. Meanwhile here are some important aspects that you should consider including in your essay that requires this kind of format:

  • The format style recommended for this type of style is Times New Roman 12pt
  • All text should be double spaced, however, block quotes should be written in single space
  • Set the layout of your paper into 1-inch margins
  • Don’t space your paragraphs
  • Student’s surname and the page number should appear in every top right section of each number
  • The title page should not be numbered
  • The first page where the essay starts should begin with a 2
  • In the end, footnotes should be provided on quoted and/or paraphrased passages

Formatting your essay in MLA

The best essays usually include good formatting and referencing. Ideally, good format and style for Chicago-Turabian format is characterized by the following:

  1. Title Page – the format of the title page is very crucial. Ideally it should include the title of the essay and located down the page. If it is longer than one line, set it double space. Write your full name and align it to the center of the page. Further, put down the course number and name of your instructor and the date of submission. They should follow each other in this order and in double-spaced lines. Seek further clarification from top uk writing services.
  2. Citing the written text. Texts written should be cited using the author’s surname, date of publication and page number. No abbreviations are expected in the parenthetical citations. Don’t include any punctuation between the surname and the date of publishing. However, include a comma between the date and the page number. All your parenthetical citation must follow direct quotes. Footnotes can also be used for every information that has been paraphrased. A shortened piece of a title source can be used where information about author’s details is missing.
  3. Use of endnotes and footnotes. Students should make use of writing essay services to learn more about footnotes and endnotes. Not many people are confident with them but with the right help and guidance, they are not a difficult thing to do. Make sure they appear at each paraphrased information in your writing.
  4. The Bibliography Section – at the end of your essay, write a bibliography that lists all the sources you have used. This should include all those used in the footnotes. Ideally, a bibliography in Chicago-formatted essay should be listed in alphabetical order and entitled bibliography at the top center of your last page. This is an important requirement for all top essays written in the Turabian style.

For further guidance on professional academic writing help, take time to consult experts in the industry. You will definitely find help from people who are experienced in this formatting style.
